Just a Thought


I live my life unconsciously not thinking about this quote, and each time I come across it, I have this warm feeling inside.

I observe those who fail to atriculate how they should handle a situation because they fear “insulting” someone else. Yet they obsessively speak about what they should have said, but didn’t convey it to the right person. 

I totally understand, for some it’s hard, but we live in a world that will kick us under the bus if needs be.  No more should we be kissing ass and crying ourselves to sleep over what someone did to us, without retaliating (unless it means leaving an important job). It also could be, saying “Hell no” because you’re tired of telling people “Yes”

I will let someone get away with doing something/saying something unappropriate to me once because they didn’t know better. But for my peace of mind (which I will defend to the end), I will let that individual know how I feel about said incident and if they felt offended in some sort of way, then I’ll leave them to deal with it. I am not harbouring no unwanted stress in my day-to-day.

I’m never one to harbour certain folks in my life (I’m the observer of all observers). If I don’t like you, you will know it. If you give off a bad vibe, you will know I don’t fuck with you, for me, it’s that simple. Anything I partake in, must be genuine.

Just the other day I was speaking to a co-worker about this, as we meddle in a certain office situation. I’ve been called feisty and a tyrant but who cares, at least my back isn’t carrying their load. Those who haven’t get the full length of my tongue, are those who have the power to fire me. They are the ones I stay silent among the most, because I will not “fake it to make it” in a cult industry that will feed your head to the dogs.

“I am at my best when I’m allowed to be me, when my laughter gets loud and boisterous, when my brain is about to explode. I’ll sympathize because it’s in my nature to do so, I’ll help the fallen and the broken because this life will suck you dry”

Are you able to burn those bridges and move on?

My Travels with Depression

This week’s writing class assignment is to randomly select a writing prompt from a book, Imageor something.  Then write for at least 5 minutes your response to the chosen words. 

At the beginning of our writing group, each member received a “Recovery College” writing pad.  On the top of each page, there is a quote.  The page I am onto now has this quote at the top. 

“May the Bridges I burn light the Way”

That quote will be my writing prompt.  .  This is my five minutes of rambling and hopefully I might learn how to burn some bridges.

ImageBurning bridges/letting go is evidently not my strong point.  I hang onto day-to-day disputes/mishaps and then obsessively ruminate over them for days, sometimes weeks.  I exhaust myself with the mental torture and I neglect my life by being caught up in so much internal drama.  

Is that part of…

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PROJECT R : I think best when I think with others

Great idea for a friend in need.

vic briggs

Dear WordPress Bloggers,

We write about many a thing. More often than not, we write about things we know best, and those that pull at our heartstrings.

Relationships, whether successful or failed, we all know something about.

A very good friend of mine has recently come out of a longish relationship. It wasn’t a happy one, although it did have its moments. Most of the time it was distorted, painful and heart-breaking even to an onlooker. The post-breakup present is hell: the kind of hell only we can make for ourselves by questioning our worth because someone else was unable or unwilling to see it. This project is an attempt to help this someone I care about to realise they are not on their own; to see the end as a beginning. Am I being too optimistic? I hope not.

So here is what I propose. Why not put our…

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People Wait


“People wait. They wait for the elusive day when they’ll finally have enough time (guess what? -you never will), enough education (there’s always more to know), enough money (no matter how much you make, someone will always have more) . . . People wait until that fateful day when they wake up and realize that while they were sitting around paying dues, earning their keep, waiting for that elusive ‘perfect time’ their entire life has passed them” – Richi Norton

You’re a Slave for Me (Part 1)

She thought she could deceive me
My eyes caught the red sheer see through gown that she wore
Just how I liked it

She strutted towards me, poised
Our eyes met
I looked away with sudden disgust
I didn’t want her to believe I was intrigued by this filth

Cuff in hand
Whip too
I dragged her by her hair
Pushed her against the brick wall
She squealed
I smiled
Wishing I cared
After all these years
I finally get to hurt you too

I never thought I’d be this amused by you
Hurting you
Inflict the pain upon your broken skin
Like the sadist I am

I know you thought different of me
This sweet
That you wish you’d taste
But no
You disgust Me
You Slave

The Faces of Poverty in Ontario

A sad situation that needs attention

Mind's Seat

Tomorrow I will be attending a meeting at the invitation of the Ministry of Community and Social Services in North Bay, Ontario.  I was only informed of this on Monday.  The purpose of it is part of a province-wide review of the Ontario Disability Support Program. I just have the energy to get to writing this article today as I am still recovering from having a flu. It has been a difficult meeting to prepare for as my Lord had me revisit many of the times in my own life when I knew the pains of hunger and the slow and crushing death of hope’s dreams. Even as I still have my own struggles on ODSP, I consider myself one of the blessed ones. I thank God for friends who have  been there for me and my wife with their prayers and support. I offer this piece to them, those…

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Love Diminishes

I shoved the thought of you coming back to me
With my retrograde heart
I plunged
And pushed you away
Hoping you’d stay
Love tested
But not lost
This loss is brutal

Without utterance you speak about love
Love in its twisted form
Cast no stones
It should be pure
Full of life
No pain?
No tears?
Just plain old love like the biblical days

I shoved you so deep
I could feel your love pulsating through my heart
Like a throbbing vagina conquering an orgasm

But love’s depth dissipates into thin air
Like black smoke on a cloudy day
There is no end to what we would’ve seen
Idiosyncrasies submerge

Feelings too real
Yet feeling fake
No time to regroup
No To time to suffer
Or cry a running river
Life is moving eagerly
Through distance and time
You’ll emerge quietly
Showing me
Love is not lost

Written and copyright by: Grace Aitcheson

Seasons – Monday’s Masterpiece

Today’s challenge is to take inspiration from a work of art and write from it. 

To participate go to Boi Poet

The masterpiece choice for today is:
Blossom in glass by Jane Kell


No more seasons to chase
Hearts being broken
Naked bodies to trace
The sun is now setting quicker by the day
It’s a sign

A sign for
New characters to get placed
Raindrops frequent my doorstep
Thunder storms to roar through this deserted place I called home

Home where my heart lies
And my partner lives
Two submerged soul

As the season changes
And hearts begin to mend
Familes get together to fake the heart of November

Flowers bloom from the much needed rain that pours upon its soul
Once again Fall begins while Summer has washed away the burning of the soul