Women are Gullible Too


I was having one of those conversations at work, about women who succumb to the lies of men. The ones who for some reason or another believe ‘freeness’ last forever. The ones who solely depend on a man, to cater to their needs, then are surprised when he has left them with nothing but the clothes on their backs. After much deliberation, I will proudly say ‘women are gullible too’. I will not digress and speak about men who are gullible, that will be for a next post.

Listen women! You need to wake up and smell the roses, herb or whatever it is that you’re sniffing and who cares, even the Chanel cologne that you wear so evidently. Even though society has kept repeating that ‘men’ should be the caretaker, doesn’t mean you should take out your heart (dash it out without warning) and give it away 100%, leave some for a rainy day.


I’ve heard stories about men claiming back their goods that they have bought women, whether it be; clothes, car, furniture or for some reason stop spending lavishly, taking their dependent ass to dinner and shopping spree. It makes me think about men in this modern world, but I also think about the women who have been robbed of such delicacy, yes; a lot like fine wine.


“Mouth meck fi tan cross way”


Invest/plan a head:

Think and Grow Rich or in layman’s term “Whore with a purpose”

I’m not a Pastor or Psychiatrist, so therefore don’t take my foolish advice. I’m not here to tell anyone how to live their lives or who to invite in their bedroom, but nevertheless if you do this and you’re being “rewarded” please invest it (nothing last forever). As tiresome as it may sound, many men have convinced women that they will always be there, yes and there have been many believers. Well, one day he may or may not be, then you are left stranded, alone, dosed with a double shot of dependency. Society will make and break you; the same people who party with you, will laugh at you when “Papa Joe” comes to collect. They will find another friend/associate to party with. Some friends will not dry your tears, but profess that they did warn you about the risks.

For the non-awardees’ whose men are mean and will only pay from their pockets (direct deposit, not giving you the cash in hand), that includes taking you to shopping, paying for your rent. Ensure that what he does for you, you can do for yourself. Make it a number one priority to be able to pay for your rent, buy your necessities, so that when he makes a raucous at your apartment door, you can simple tell him to step aside and get a life.

What will you do?

Reality hits, it has happened to you, what do you do next? Sit and cry/find another man to satisfy your unwanted needs?. My mother always declares “Yuh tears caa frighten mi”. I definitely can say your tears will not comfort you, but make you miserable; it will not feed/clothe you. Women I implore you to be smart, it’s not betrayal to take care of yourself. I wish fewer women would stop committing suicide/have their hearts broken, over trivial matters. So not only think smart, but act smart. Before you ask a man to “pay for it”, think about the future.

Companies such as NCB, BNS, JMMB and Capital and Credit, just to name a few, are right at your finger tips. They will provided added service, they will not disappoint you.

Don’t let it happen to you!!


Independence wasn’t dubbed a classic word for the sluggish, but for the aggressive – Grace