The “Art of peer pressure”


I was listening to Kendrick Lamar’s “The Art of Peer Pressure” the verse “Look at me, I got the blunt in my mouth, usually I’m drug free, but shit I’m with the homies” reminded me of when I was in all age school. Me and my friends ran through supermarkets giving trouble, walking through gullies (I was bad). I can also remember the many times god saved me from drowning in a gutter during the rainy season. My actions did not take away from the fact that I would get my ass beaten from my mom.

What amazes me is, the pressure of doing what everyone was doing seem to dissipate when I was in high school ( I remember a specific story that stuck with me, which cannot be shared). I think at this point in high school, I thought I knew myself, and wanted to do my thing, as oppose to what everyone else was doing and of course my mother would equate this to something different. This was because I am Introverted so I was mostly processing my thoughts and actions. I would be intrigued to find out if there is a study out there in the universe that differentiate introverts and extroverts to peer pressure ( I should check)

It brings me to think how pressuring life is, to be considered significant. I know it’s hard especially when there are so many voices around. Peer pressure is not limited to any age, it’s sad though, the stigma is mostly attached to youths, but the act has created a menace to some prevalent society across the world and will continue to do so.

“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”