Perception of the Mind

They speak words with tongue
flickering together to comprehend words spoken
NOT of truth and liberation
But of classified derogatory bullshit
Speak free your illusions you fool
Fight me? We’ll see

When I come with words of truth
i’ll break down your perfect little ideology you build to project your madness
You’re entertained by the facade you so eloquently receive
Fight me? We’ll see

How about you dissect and fix the idiosyncrasy that was provoked and seek help for your clinical madness
Dumping your seemingly intellectual truth won’t create what you’re trying to perceive
Awaited retribution will stick to your skin for the pain that you have caused
Fight me? We’ll see

The Man in the Arena – Theodore Roosevelt

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat”

PROJECT R in session #1 Alienora Taylor

Thought provoking explanations on love. #Project R.

vic briggs

FB: / Twitter:@AlienoraTaylor
I was whelped on January 9th 1958, and am the oldest of five, four girls and a boy. Having been dragged up my Mad Mother and Military-turned-History-teacher Father, I then went to university in Aberystwyth (about as far away from the Parental Pair as I could get without going abroad – or to Scotland!). An English degree and a mistaken PGCE followed, after which I moved to Weston-super-Mare and became an English teacher…for thirty years, man and boy!
I have been writing since I was scrote high to a dormouse, and started a journal on January 7th 1972, two days before my fourteenth birthday. I write in it most days – not the same volume, you understand (I have over a hundred of them now!) – and have, in addition, written three novels (one self-published on Amazon Kindle: I have been…

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Are you able to burn those bridges and move on?

My Travels with Depression

This week’s writing class assignment is to randomly select a writing prompt from a book, Imageor something.  Then write for at least 5 minutes your response to the chosen words. 

At the beginning of our writing group, each member received a “Recovery College” writing pad.  On the top of each page, there is a quote.  The page I am onto now has this quote at the top. 

“May the Bridges I burn light the Way”

That quote will be my writing prompt.  .  This is my five minutes of rambling and hopefully I might learn how to burn some bridges.

ImageBurning bridges/letting go is evidently not my strong point.  I hang onto day-to-day disputes/mishaps and then obsessively ruminate over them for days, sometimes weeks.  I exhaust myself with the mental torture and I neglect my life by being caught up in so much internal drama.  

Is that part of…

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PROJECT R : I think best when I think with others

Great idea for a friend in need.

vic briggs

Dear WordPress Bloggers,

We write about many a thing. More often than not, we write about things we know best, and those that pull at our heartstrings.

Relationships, whether successful or failed, we all know something about.

A very good friend of mine has recently come out of a longish relationship. It wasn’t a happy one, although it did have its moments. Most of the time it was distorted, painful and heart-breaking even to an onlooker. The post-breakup present is hell: the kind of hell only we can make for ourselves by questioning our worth because someone else was unable or unwilling to see it. This project is an attempt to help this someone I care about to realise they are not on their own; to see the end as a beginning. Am I being too optimistic? I hope not.

So here is what I propose. Why not put our…

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The Faces of Poverty in Ontario

A sad situation that needs attention

Mind's Seat

Tomorrow I will be attending a meeting at the invitation of the Ministry of Community and Social Services in North Bay, Ontario.  I was only informed of this on Monday.  The purpose of it is part of a province-wide review of the Ontario Disability Support Program. I just have the energy to get to writing this article today as I am still recovering from having a flu. It has been a difficult meeting to prepare for as my Lord had me revisit many of the times in my own life when I knew the pains of hunger and the slow and crushing death of hope’s dreams. Even as I still have my own struggles on ODSP, I consider myself one of the blessed ones. I thank God for friends who have  been there for me and my wife with their prayers and support. I offer this piece to them, those…

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