Just a Thought


I live my life unconsciously not thinking about this quote, and each time I come across it, I have this warm feeling inside.

I observe those who fail to atriculate how they should handle a situation because they fear “insulting” someone else. Yet they obsessively speak about what they should have said, but didn’t convey it to the right person. 

I totally understand, for some it’s hard, but we live in a world that will kick us under the bus if needs be.  No more should we be kissing ass and crying ourselves to sleep over what someone did to us, without retaliating (unless it means leaving an important job). It also could be, saying “Hell no” because you’re tired of telling people “Yes”

I will let someone get away with doing something/saying something unappropriate to me once because they didn’t know better. But for my peace of mind (which I will defend to the end), I will let that individual know how I feel about said incident and if they felt offended in some sort of way, then I’ll leave them to deal with it. I am not harbouring no unwanted stress in my day-to-day.

I’m never one to harbour certain folks in my life (I’m the observer of all observers). If I don’t like you, you will know it. If you give off a bad vibe, you will know I don’t fuck with you, for me, it’s that simple. Anything I partake in, must be genuine.

Just the other day I was speaking to a co-worker about this, as we meddle in a certain office situation. I’ve been called feisty and a tyrant but who cares, at least my back isn’t carrying their load. Those who haven’t get the full length of my tongue, are those who have the power to fire me. They are the ones I stay silent among the most, because I will not “fake it to make it” in a cult industry that will feed your head to the dogs.

“I am at my best when I’m allowed to be me, when my laughter gets loud and boisterous, when my brain is about to explode. I’ll sympathize because it’s in my nature to do so, I’ll help the fallen and the broken because this life will suck you dry”

People Wait


“People wait. They wait for the elusive day when they’ll finally have enough time (guess what? -you never will), enough education (there’s always more to know), enough money (no matter how much you make, someone will always have more) . . . People wait until that fateful day when they wake up and realize that while they were sitting around paying dues, earning their keep, waiting for that elusive ‘perfect time’ their entire life has passed them” – Richi Norton