About Me

Laid back chick who is driven by life and its new discoveries. My mind is a house full with random thoughts that stimulate my mental side. I’m an introvert, i’m quiet at times, it depends on my surroundings. Depending on who you have a conversation with, the views about me might vary, but who cares. I’m a homebody, everything surrounds my home. I’m more internal than external, in that I rather deal with an issue, than relay to another. I think I can move the world without seeking the necessary help. I’m a calculating whore, everything down to the second is thought about. I don’t like talking about myself, I’d rather listen.

Music Listener. Poetry Writer. Art Muse. Photography Lover. Amateur Designer. Aspiring Accountant

I am Soul. Deep. Fixated. Versatile. Unique. Unorthodox. Simple

32 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Thank you for taking part in Project O G. Aitcheson! I appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey and to respond to comments! I hope this project offered soemthing and that it was what you were expecting. Thanks again! -OM

    btw: the reason people can’t find your site is because when we click your name it takes us to gfixatedann.wordpress.com and not the correct website. You need to go to user settings and change the “website” that is connect to your name if you want people to find your blog. 🙂

    • You’re most welcome, I’m looking forward for another. I appreciate the fact that you take the time to evaluate on your own accord and include your two cents on the Project reponses as well. Even though u wanted to sit and watch the show, I realized u had to voice your opinion. I will definitely look into the settings, thank you.

      • I did in many cases want to comment while the posts were live, but I am also approaching this as a sample experiment. I don’t want to drive the conversation and many times (especially on a blog) the moderator will tend to do this inadvertently! I am glad people understand that and I have enjoyed observing from the shadows. 🙂

      • Ohhh yes they did, I think we handled it well lol… I’m also appreciate the disclaimer and the updates for those who weren’t able respond right away. It’s very thorough so far 🙂

  2. Just happened to run into your blog. You have got a beautiful space running here. Loved your write-ups. Its very subtle . I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. 🙂 Your vision and thoughts are indeed a revelation. Great work. Happy blogging.

  3. Update on the Poetry Group: I am going to have to put this off till next week. I began my new work schedule and I am tired. We have the list and if either of the two that submitted ideas as to how to set up this group would like instead to “take over” I am all for that. Just email me or comment here and I actually hope someone takes me up on this offer. I wanted to be a “participant” not the leader on this. But I will help construct the format of the group and provide the “platform” obviously for the setup and if no one volunteers I will group people next week and simply set a date to have your poem posted, maybe a label and tag we will all use, and a date to try and have reviews done (a week shouldn’t be hard). I will wait and see what kind of responses I get here.

    I am going to tag this post with PCG1 for now.

    -Opinionated Man

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